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51 Universitas Indonesia DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Deurink DO, Lestari ES, Hadi u, et al. Determinants carriage of resistant Escherichia coli in the Indonesian population inside and outside hospitals. Sap Mikrobiologi Medik - Scribd Mikrobiologi Kedokteran: Jawetz, Melnick,& Adeberg, edisi terbaru. Medical Microbiology An Itroduction to Infections Deseases: Kenneth J.Ryan Imunologi (Essential Immunology): Ivan M.Roitt Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi Kedokteran: Staf Pengajar FK UI. Buku Mikrobiology Medic lainnya. Identify and Test the Resistance ... - Universitas Indonesia Objective: Cross infection is one of the problems in dentistry.It can be caused by dental unit surfaces which act as the mediator for bacteria to enter the body. The aim of this research was to identify and test the resistance of bacteria that found on dental unit surfaces which suspected to be contaminated by patients in Dental Clinic. Buku ajar mikrobiologi - SlideShare Sep 30, 2013 · Buku ajar mikrobiologi 1. 1 DIKTAT KULIAH MIKROBIOLOGI DASAR Disusun oleh: SRI SUMARSIH JURUSAN ILMU TANAH FAKULTAS PERTANIAN UPN”VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA Agustus, 2003 2. 2 DAFTAR ISI halaman I. Pendahuluan 1 II. Sejarah Mikrobiologi 5 III. Sel Mikroba dan Strukturnya 12 IV. Bakteri dan Virus 22 V. Fungi 31 VI.
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Identify and Test the Resistance ... - Universitas Indonesia Objective: Cross infection is one of the problems in dentistry.It can be caused by dental unit surfaces which act as the mediator for bacteria to enter the body. The aim of this research was to identify and test the resistance of bacteria that found on dental unit surfaces which suspected to be contaminated by patients in Dental Clinic. Buku ajar mikrobiologi - SlideShare Sep 30, 2013 · Buku ajar mikrobiologi 1. 1 DIKTAT KULIAH MIKROBIOLOGI DASAR Disusun oleh: SRI SUMARSIH JURUSAN ILMU TANAH FAKULTAS PERTANIAN UPN”VETERAN” YOGYAKARTA Agustus, 2003 2. 2 DAFTAR ISI halaman I. Pendahuluan 1 II. Sejarah Mikrobiologi 5 III. Sel Mikroba dan Strukturnya 12 IV. Bakteri dan Virus 22 V. Fungi 31 VI. DAFTAR PUSTAKA - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia DAFTAR PUSTAKA Adam,MR..,1985. Microbiology of Fermented Food Vol 1.Elsivier Applied Science Dasar-Dasar Mikrobiologi 1, Universitas Indonesia Press. Jakarta. Ratna Siri H.,1985. Mikrobiologi Dasar dalam Praktek: Teknik dan Prosedur dasar Laboratorium . PT Gramedia,Jakarta.1985 Schlegel Hans …
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Mikrobiologi Pangan Pengantar Ilmu Pangan Nutrisi dan Mikrobiologi.. Gajah mada University Pres yokyakarta. 2. Srikandi Fardiaz, 1989. Mikrobiologi pangan Depdikbud,. Dikti dan Pusat Antar Univesitas Pangan dan Gizi IPB Bogor. 3. Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran UI 1994. Buku Ajar Mikrobiologi Kedokteran edisi revisi.Bina Rupa Aksara jakarta. 4. Buku Mikrobiologi Pangan Pdf - Weebly Jun 16, 2017 · BUKU TAMU; MIKROBIOLOGI PANGAN. Mikrobiologi Pangan downloads at Ebook-kings.com - Download free pdf files,ebooks and documents - bahan ajar mikrobiologi -. Departemen Ilmu Teknologi Pangan - IPB Bagian Mikrobiologi. Posted on 16-Jul-2016. Lingkungan dan pertanian. Mikrobiologi lanjut telah berkembang menjadi bermacam-. DAFTAR PUSTAKA - Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
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